Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tropical Holiday Recipes: Cranberries and Stuffing

This week in my Tropical Holiday Recipes series brings what I feel are the two most important side dishes of any holiday meal. I adore cranberry sauce and stuffing ridiculously and try to find any excuse to make them year round. I have compiled 10 recipes for each to help in your tropical holiday plans, so without further ado:

This will keep for up to a month in the refrigerator. 


This one freezes great. 


This is an unusual recipe from Iron Chef Bobby Flay with both sweet and savory elements.


If you don't have access to fresh passion fruit, frozen is fine. In a pinch you can even use passion fruit nectar though the consistency may be more fluid. 

To make this one even more tropical replace the walnuts or pecans with macadamia nuts. 


Any tropical juice blend will work in this recipe. 

Now on to the next part of the blog. I know a lot of people still like to stuff their turkeys, but I'm a bit paranoid of food born illness so I always make mine separate. These recipes can be adapted either way, the choice is yours.




This is probably the most local recipe. Check the frozen section of specialty grocery stores to find Kalua pork on the mainland. Or make it yourself in a slow cooker using this link: Kalua Pork


Rice stuffing is a great gluten free alternative for the holiday





Well that's all for this week, be sure to check back next week when I feature other tropical side dishes as well as tropical holiday drinks. Until then Aloha from Maui. 

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