Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tropical Holiday Recipes: Appetizers, Drinks, and Sides

On this weeks edition of Tropical Holiday Recipes I'll be giving you a collection of my favorite appetizer, drink, and side recipes. I love green beans so there are several recipes for them, also if you look back to my early posts on the blog you'll find an additional recipe for sweet potatoes fried with cinnamon and coconut milk. Now on to the recipes:

1) Hoisin Green Bean Salad 
This recipe calls for agave but if you don't have that on hand honey will work fine



This is a super quick and simple recipe with just 4 ingredients and 2 steps. 


This is great on lots of things but is particularly good on the famous Kings Hawaiian Rolls. 

This is a Disney recipe from their Polynesian resort and popular with kids. 


If you don't have the palm sugar the recipe calls for organic or light brown sugar is fine. 


Well there they are to inspire you. As I said if you check out this earlier entry Adventures in Island life you'll find my personal favorite sweet potato recipe where they are fried with cinnamon and coconut milk. Sweet Potatoes with a tropical twist.  Next week will be the last in the series and contain a collection of tropical dessert recipes, until then Aloha from Maui. 

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